Dialectical Imagination: The Angel and the Brute Sing Songs of Rapture

The duo of Rob Pumpelly/perc and Eli Wallace/p answer to the band name Dialectical Imagination, and they join together for six free flowing improvisations that mix melody with majesty and mayhem.

Wallace has a rich and warm touch on the piano, starting many of the pieces with some thoughtful and spacious ideas, getting particularly reflective on “Refusing Confusion” while on “Immutable Light” the rumbles get progressively darker as Pumpelly’s tribal drums draw the music to a cataclysmic climax.  Ectomorphic piano musings on “Rungs” eventual lead to an avalanche of rhythm with dramatic waves and rustlings of “Deepest View’s Horizon You” pulsate back and forth as if pulled by the moon. The team gets frisky and free on “Sky in Eye” while the team dashes back and forth on the dark “Turnaround.” This is a fun one that has the two guys make their instruments combine without combusting


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