Month: May 2023

Muejl: By Breakfast

Yes, there are titles on this album, and yes, there are five artists present in Joao Madeira/b, Uygur Vual/cel, Elisabetta Lanfredini/voc, Luiz Rocha/cl-bcl and Michel Stawicki/ts. After that, it’s all open field running, as voices and screeching reeds are heard…

John von Seggern: Unfolding

Promoting his upcoming LA gig, bassist John von Seggern has released a tempting single of his upcoming album Ambient Bass Guitar, titled “Unfolding”. It’s easy to tell that von Seggern has made a successful career in the film industry, as this…

Elina Duni: A Time To Remember

Vocalist Elina Duni brings in delicate folk moods akin to Annie Haslam from the group Renaissance, minstrel’d with the team of Rob Luft/g, Mitthieu Michel/fh and Fred Thomas/p-dr. She has a wisp of a flair on the tender “Evasion” and…

Sara Caswell: The Way To You

Violinist Sara Caswell brings her team of Jesse Lewis/g, Ike Sturm/b, Jared Schonig/dr and guest Chris Dingman/vib for a rich and exciting mix of styles and ideas. Her tone is sweeping and dramatic, lovely and upbeat on pieces like “South…