George McMullen with Vinny Golia: Line Drawings Vol 1 & 2

Ethereal and intuitive improvisations take place with George McMullen playing trombone and occasional flute teamed with Vinny Golia on a gamut of saxes, bass clarinet, alto flute and G piccolo for these two sessions recorded back in 2015.

On flute, McMullen sounds ominous with Golia’s soprano sax on “Flute Preview 2” and swirls on “Preview 1”and gets fluffy as Golia switches to baritone sax on “Didnai”.  His trombone wheezes on the honking  “Line Drawings” and sustains long tones with Golia’s sopranino for “SmeARish”. Gugles and gasps dominate “Delicious Pernicious” and “Fulcrum” with  some Harmonon muted wah wah on “Wowsa” a la Tricky Sam Nanton and a cup muted jah jaw on “Horse Play”. Bones and tones.

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