Jenny Davis: Rearranged

Clear and indie-voiced Jenny Davis fronts an ensemble of Jovino Santos Neto/p, Chuck Deardorf/b, Jeff Busch/dr and a mix and match cast of Kurt Festinger/ts, Dmitri Mathenhy/fh, Mark Taylor/as, Heather Bentley /vi-va, David Lange/acc, Lorrie Ruiz-Vanessa Littrell/voc and the Yeoman Warders Sax Quartet for a melding of originals and arranged jazz themes. She takes Herbie Hancock’s “And What If I Don’t”, for example, and gives a hip soul funk to it along with the bouncy horns, while she’s lyrical with Neto on her own  Tin Pan Alley-themed “Answer The Call”. The eerie “Gemini Tango” has her gliding across the floor and twinkling in the starry night, while she shows her bop chops with Taylor as they bounce through the shuffling “Wise Up”. Davis lets the Sax Quartet of Kate Olson/ss, Cynthia Mullis/ts, Jim Dejoie/bs and Taylor get Mingusy on “Yeoman Warders” whereas the Sirius String Quartet provides gravitas as she gives a glorious aria on concert  performance of the title pieces. She is flexible enough to change moods like a musical Cirque du Soleil.

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