SOLO WORKS…Matt Herskowitz: Mirror Image, Sean Hamilton: Table For One, Greg Diamond: Musings & Origins

Pianist Matt Herskowitz brings melodicism and a modern classical approach to a wide variety of lyrical songs. The melding of jazz and classical works well, with a rich and stately read of “My One And Only Love” and a wondrous “Ballade” as a strong dynamic range is heard on “Tribute to John Coates.” Elliptical impressions of Eric Satie take place on ”Gnossienne No 1/Moment Musical No. 3” with “Pianio Concerto In G: Adagio Assai” reflecting a strong Chopin romantic touch. Flowing and thoughtful.

Sean Hamilton plays drums, percussion and the plastic horn vuvuzela (you’ve heard them at sporting events in the stands) for this dozen “improvised vignettes” ranging from just over a minute to over six. If you’ve ever watched the TV show The Flintstones, you get a lot of reminders of the baby Bam Bam on thunderous pieces like “Cash Only,” and the collection of “Tribal Sport” tunes. The cymbals uses space on “Growth/Bloom; Wilt” and hints of a doorbell make you want to answer the call on the two versions of “Acquiescence Of.” In search of a bass player.

Greg Diamond uses his nylon strings to great effect on thirteen of his own compositions on this elegiac release. Moods range from thoughtful Latin on “Last Word” to American classic folk during “Mist,” “Waltz Americana” and “Salas.” Intricate finger works are quite impressive during “Caprichosa” and “El Pozo” with soft sounds on “Traces” and the delicately tensile “Prelude: Yvette.” A cozy evening at McCabes Guitar Shop.


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