A PILGRIM’S PROGRESS…David Friesen: My Faith, My Life

John Bunyon had his Pilgrim’s Progress, Saint Augustine had his Confessions. Composer David Friesen plays bass, piano and Japanese flute shakuhatchi on this two album set to document his own spiritual pilgrimage. The result is a deep and personal collection of musical meditations that are richly melodic and never self indulgent.

The bass/shakuhatchi album includes a two based “Martin’s Balcony” while thoughtful tenderness is in abundance for “Sons and Daughters” or “Sitka In the Woods.” Meditative moments of lyricism flow on “Children of the Kingdom and “Ancient Kings.” Switching over to piano, there is a calm spaciousness to “Another Time, Another Place” and gentle parlor moments on “Song For Ben” with the closing title track deep in personal conversation between a pilgrim and God. A nice visit to a musical prayer closet.


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