DAVE FRISHBERG ON GUITAR? Gary Wittner: Too Modern For Me

Rare is the muse that can mix sardonic wit with swing. Gary Wittner writes lyrics like Dave Frishbert, plays guitar like Jim Hall, and sings like your uncle as he teams together Matt Langley/ts, Les Harris Jr/dr and Keala Kaumeheiwa/b for eleven musical observations. The lyrics are filled with sardonic wit, oozing with clever meters and messages, but it wouldn’t work if the music itself wasn’t strong enough to support the messages, but it is. Langley leads the way on a rich samba’d “I Don’t Know” and weaves through a modal “Illusion” while Kaumeheiwa bounces on a bohemian “I’d Rather Stay Home” and Harris delves into a fluid pulse on “Regrets.” Wittner’s guitar is Jim Hall cool as he bops on a rustling title track and is richly spacious during “Here Today” while on voice he’s cozy by the fireplace on “I Want It All.” This guy coming to LA?


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