Kenneth Meyer: Draw the Strings Tight

Guitarist Kenneth Meyer takes you on a six-stringed journey with modern composers James Piorkowski, Edie Hill, Kevin Ernste, Hans Werne Henze, Jesse Jones and Nicolas Scherzinger. Most of the pieces are multi-part suites, with each part a concise unit all its own. However, you also get a 10+ minute “Ricordanza” and 9 minute “A Still More Excellent Way,” both reflecting sophistication in style, grace and intricate sounds akin to modern classical.

The four part title piece includes use of space with intricate pickings; the five part “Offering of the Senses” has placid themes, the three movement “Dre Tentos” includes quiet beatitudes while “Roses Don’t Need Perfume” features tensile edges. A sublime collection of guitar musings.

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