Jackson Hardaker: Watering Can

Trombonist Jackson Hardaker leads a light and pianoless quartet with Syberen van Munster/g, Lorenzo Kim Sandi/b and Nico dann/dr on a collection of post bop originals. He likes to toy with the groove, sometimes starting with a stagger as on “The Deep” before getting some traction and hitting a groove. He gets whimsical with a peg-legged clippety clop on “The Whippo Hypothesis” and even has the band sound almost vaudevillian as van Munser gets bluesy on “Fifty-Five P ercent” and Sandi plods along on “Watering Can.” The band shows its bop chops on “Argumentum ad Consequentiam” as van Munster gets some space, and Hardaker uses space on his fluffy long tones during “Silhouette of the Soprano Saxophone.” The team handles hairpin turns as well as the straight Autobahns well here.


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