Carsten Dahl: The Solo Songs of Carsten Dahl

First off, no all of these songs are actually composed by legendary pianist Keith Jarrett. What fellow piano player Carsten Dahl does is take pieces at times inspired or associated with Jarrett and use the string quartet of Ana Feitosa, Matthew Jones, Sanna Ripatti and Jonathan Staatto, along with Palle Mikkelborg/tp, Fredrik Lundin/sax, Nils Bo Davidesen/b, and Stefan Pasborg/dr in various permutations for celebration and inspiration. Piano bass andquartet are melancholic on Jarrett’s “October Song”, and Lundin meanders with the jazz trio o fDal, Davidsen and Pasborg on the dark “Prism”. “Evil Speaks & Adonis” sounds like On The Corner-period Miles Davis with Mikkelborg getting funk on a vamp, wheeas “The Mysterious Corona” is Bartok-shadowed chamber. Dahl plays percussion with Davidsen’s bass on a freely improved “Bass-Anity” and Pasborg is featured rumbling around the strings on “ Drum Dance”. Does this music make one think of Jarrett? Maybe during the delicate “Over The Rainbow”, which would have been a nice way to conceive of the entire recording.

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