WEST COAST DANISH…Cool Sweetness Sextet: Shoehorn Shuffle

The “West Coast Cool” sounds of the 1950s popularized by Chet Baker and Shorty Rogers is delivered by the Danish team of Marten Lundgren/tp, Jens Sondergaard/ts, Anders Jacobsen/tb, Pelle Von Bulow/g, Ole Skipper/b and Aage Tanggaard/dr. Comprised of mostly originals, with a couple vintage covers, the album captures the breezy and lithe feel of the genre, but with an extra  pulse provided by Von Bulow’s guitar work. Sondergaard has a warm and mellifluous tenor on the slinky take of “Nancy” an dteams up with Lundgren to glide over the surf tide of “Open Country”.Jacobsen taps into his inner Bob Brookmeyer for a gently swinging “Limehouse Blues” and VonBulow is tasy on the waltzing “Blue Daniel”. The blending of the horns harmonize like pastels, peppy on “Serenade TDPJIHM”, exotic for “Wintersaga” and snappy for “Red Rubberboat”. Where’s June Christy?


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