OVERDUE SALUTES…Sal Mosca: For Lennie Tristano-Solo Piano 1970 & 1997

After decades of being ignored, pianist/teacher Lennie Tristano is finally getting some recognition. Mosaic Records recently unearthed solo to small group home recordings in an essential multi boxed set, and now Fresh Sounds is reissuing Sal Mosca’s tribute to the neobop master. Mosca has the perfect touch to capture Tristano’s essence, giving rich elliptical L handed chords on the medley of “You Go To My Head/Sweet Georgia Brown” creating rich digital patters on “It’s The Talk Of THE Town”. There’s a Debussyesque touch to “In A Mist” and the ivories are radient as the glisten on “Sweet and Lovely”. The key to Tristano’s world is his bold south paw, and Mosca’s deliberate delivery works well on the explorative “All The Things You Are” and “Night And Day”. To paraphrase what GK Chesterton wrote about Christianity, “its not that Tristano was tried and found wanting, but it was found impossible and not tried”. Here’s a great intro to a rarely explored world.


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