Kevin Sun: <3 Bird

On this tribute to bebop  pioneer Charlie “Bird” Parker, Kevin Sun uses his tenor sax and  clarinet to team up with a core of Walter Stinson/b and Matt Honor/dr along with a rotation of Christian  Li/p-key, Max  Light/g and Adam O’Farrill/tp. The fun part here is the totally harmonic reworking of famous bop standards, the clever re-titling of the ornithological tunes,  as well as the use of the underused licorice stick. Of the latter instrument, he seers on a more Middle Eastern 5/4 pulse on “Talck-overseed-nete”, gives a California Cool “Salt Peanuts”, an artsy parlor read of “Yardbird Suite” on “Dovetail” and goes post bop on “Adroitness Part I” before his tenor takes over on “Part II”. The exotic sheng gives a mysterious atmosphere to “Du Yi’s Choir” and gallops on “Arc’s Peel”. O’Farrill delivers some bright polish to “Greenlit” while Light swirls with Sun on “Onomatopoeia”. Sonata’d Bird.

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