Yelena Eckemoff: Adventures of the Wildflower

Pianist and composer Yelena Eckemoff has been creating a catalogue of music dedicated to various topics ranging from animals to weather. This time around, she creates a series of songs dedicated to wildflowers with her team of Jarmo Saari/g-gharp, Jukka Perko/ss-ts, Panu Savolainen/vib, Antti Lotjonen/b and Olavi Louhivuor/dr-perc on this two disc set of music that is set to “stories” not unlike ones in children’s books to accompany the musical moods.

The 18 songs include a whirring “Baby Columbines” with ethereal piano, while the harmonies hover like a mist on “Another Winter”. Pretty guitar is folksy with vibes on “In The Ground” while things are a bit abstract on “Germination”. Perko’s soprano bops on the cheerful “Dogs Chasing A Mouse” and is artsy on the more intuitive “Home By The Fence” with Louhivuori’s brushes dance on the pretty swinger “Weeding The Garden”. Vibes and  piano play peek-a-boo on ‘Rain” with sounds of the desert floating on “Drought”. Songs of a story.

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