Jonathan  Barber & Vision Ahead: Legacy Holder

Drummer Jonathan Barber uses both his drumsticks and writing pen on this collection of (mostly) originals with his band of Taber Gable/p-key, Andrew Renfroe/g, Godwin Louis/as and Matt Dwonsyk/b on this collection of fluid post-bop themes. With Barber encouraging the band to “make history”, the team gets into a Hendrixy mood with Renfroes’ guitar on “Son of Hartford” while vintage hard bop a la Blue Note Records delivers a mix of grooving pulses and tricky angles on “29”. Barber’s high hat sizzles to Dwonszyk’s bass line on the cooking “Major” while his cymbals guide Gable’s piano on the fluid “Seconds & Seasons”. Guest vocalist Mar Vilaseca brings extra delight with her sweet and delicate voice on the flowing “The Call” while Barber’s snappy patter on “Haikus” skips in an asserted manner. Good vibrations-this is the second album in a row of his that has hit a high level. When’s he coming to So Cal?

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