Shunzo Ohno: Runner

Trumpeter and composer Shunzo Ohno mixes ethereal and dreamy moods on this collection of originals. The late guitarist Vic Juris is included along with Thierry Arpino/dr, Aska Elias/cl, Sasha Ono/cel, Shotaro Mori/bassoon, Ira Coleman-Dave Anderson/b and Clifford Carter/clav, with the sounds ranging from a synth and funky late period Miles Davis-ish “Runner” to a gorgeously pretty “Moon Over the Castle”. A four movement “EPIC” ranges from a military beat a la Patton on “Heroic Dance” to operatic “Emerge” with a melancholic “Emerge” with wondrous cello support splitting the difference. Rich colors on a large brass palate.

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