Ted Poor: You Already Know

Ted Poor’s drums are out and in front on this album with him also playing piano, harmonium and some percussion along with Andrew D’Angelo/as, Blake Mills/g-b-p, Sebastian Steinberg-Paul Kowert/b and a string section of Andrew Bird/vi and Rob Moose/vi-va-cel. The moods include Middle Eastern pitches with meditative piano on “Emilia” and “At Night”, both in stark shadows with D’Angelo’s alto sax sighing over the percussion, while the team is shrill and in full pathos on “United”. Some rockish hip hopping features declaratory drumming on “Only You” and the urban beat of “Push Pull” with the team trudging to D’Angelo’s echo on “Kasia”. The dirge-like “Reminder” closes things out with and leaves you almost emotionally spent taken through the long dark corridors.


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