Haruna Fukazawa: Departure

Some hip bopping moods are created by Haruna Fukazawa on a pair of flutes as she pairs up with Steve Wilson on soprano sax and flute as well as the rhythm team of drummer Steve Johns, bassist Bill Moring and pianist David Demotta. Fukazawa has a wonderful tone and an implied pulse to her soloing, bopping steadily to Wilson’s soprano on her sleek “Contact” and bouncing with kineticism to “Cat’s Meeting.” Some cool tones change tempos on the hip “Bassi Blues” while Moring bows and bounces on “I Wish You Live” and the team grooves deep on a bluesy read of Horace Silver’s “Juicy Lucy.” With both Fukazawa and Wilson on flute, things get real feathery as they take Duke Ellington’s “A Flower Is A Lovesome Thing” to an ethereal level with Demotta guiding the way, and “Alice In Wonderland” joyfully coaxed along by Moring’s glory. This one is filled with breezy muscular moments. Check it out!


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