Pablo Lanouguere Quintet: Eclectico

Bassist Pablo Lanouguere plays it acoustic and electric with an exciting team with the twin leads of violinist Nick Danielson with guitarist Frederico Diaz along with Emilio Teubal/p and Franco Pinna/dr on this fresh collection of originals.

The pieces are modern and sophisticated, as well as upbeat as Danielson’s strings swing along with Teubal on the clever “Mil Grullas De Papel” and slash away on a dramatic “Era Hora.” The team gets rocking on Hacia Donde Vamos” and the electric “Un Primero Saldra’” while prancing and dancing during “Valz Para Olvidar.” Melancholic moods hae Danielson sway on “Piano Piano” and he longs with the leader for a sensuous “Complicando Lo Simple.” There are a couple of pretty vignettes as well, with a  violin aria on “Rotin” and the leader giving a nice workshop for “Introspeection.” This is a group with something clever to say, and it sits well with the ears.

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