Hafez Modirzadeh: In Convergence Liberation

Multi-reedist Hafez Modirzadeh creates a mix of folk, jazz and even modern classical here in a collection of suites that have musicians coming in and out of the scene like an English mystery novel. A collection of strings includes Ralph Farris/va, Dorothy Lawson/cel and Mary Rowell, who provide a mix of background and alter ego to the various saxes delivered by the leader. Mili Bermejo adds some vocals , and most effectively so on the earthy “Sor Juana” suite, wile Amir ElSaffar’s trumpet, voic and santur add both a jazz and otherworldly atmosphere during the “Karna Passages” and the penetrating “La ANgustia d los Amantes” that dances alng with Modrizadeh’s alto sax.  Lots of various percussion sounds are contributed by Amir Abbas Etemadzadeh who keeps the music moving forward to create moves of mystical nights as on “Las Orillas del Mar” or more Middle Eastern moods during “Templada.” Various agonizing moods are conveyed here, with hints of romance and celebration.

Pi Records


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