MOOD CREATING LADIES…Madison Galloway: Moon & Mercury, Chloe Perrier & The French Heart Jazz Band: Petite Fleur, Svetlana: Night At The Movies, Sumitra with Brian Blade & Carlitos Del Puerto: Bittersweet

Various environs and locations are evoked by these songstresses Madison Galloway gets bohemian as she sings, plays guitars, harmonica and percussion along with Jonathan Markov on guitar, bass and trombone, drummer Jody Brumell, keyboardist Breanna Morrison and VW busload of … Continue reading MOOD CREATING LADIES…Madison Galloway: Moon & Mercury, Chloe Perrier & The French Heart Jazz Band: Petite Fleur, Svetlana: Night At The Movies, Sumitra with Brian Blade & Carlitos Del Puerto: Bittersweet